What is emotional attraction and how to build it in a relationship?

Published by Ryan on

Emotional attraction is the key to a lasting and fulfilling relationship. But what exactly is it? Emotional attraction is when you are attracted to someone not just physically, but also emotionally. It’s that connection that you feel when you can share anything with the other person and they understand you. When you have emotional attraction, you don’t just have a physical connection, but a mental and emotional one as well. Emotional attraction is what makes a relationship last. It’s the glue that holds two people together through thick and thin. So how do you build emotional attraction in a relationship? Read on to find out!

What is emotional attraction?

When it comes to attraction, we often think of the physical first. But what about emotional attraction? Emotional attraction is the glue that keeps a relationship together. It’s what makes you want to be with someone, even when the physical attraction fades.

So, what is emotional attraction? Emotional attraction is the connection you feel with someone on a deeper level. It’s the way they make you feel about yourself. When you’re emotionally attracted to someone, you feel good around them. They make you laugh and they make you feel loved and supported.

Building emotional attraction in a relationship takes time and effort. It requires both partners to be open and honest with each other. You need to be able to share your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or rejection. You also need to be able to trust each other implicitly. This level of trust can only be built over time, through shared experiences and mutual respect.

If you want to build emotional attraction in your relationship, start by communicating openly and honestly with your partner. Share your thoughts and feelings, and really listen to what they have to say. Make an effort to spend quality time together, doing things you both enjoy. And finally, show your partner that you care about them by being there for them when they need you – no matter what.

The difference between emotional and physical attraction

There are two types of attraction: emotional and physical. Emotional attraction is when you are attracted to someone based on their personality, intelligence, sense of humor, etc. Physical attraction is when you are attracted to someone based on their looks. Both are important in a relationship, but emotional attraction is the more important of the two.

Physical attraction can fade over time, but emotional attraction will only grow stronger. It’s also much easier to fake physical attraction than emotional attraction. You can fake being physically attracted to someone by wearing revealing clothes or flirting with them, but you can’t fake emotional attraction.

Emotional attraction is what makes a relationship last. It’s what keeps the spark alive long after the physical passion has faded. If you want a lasting relationship, focus on building emotional attraction.

emotional attraction

How to build emotional attraction in a relationship

When we feel emotionally attracted to someone, we are drawn to their potential for creating a close, intimate connection. We may be attracted to their intelligence, sense of humor, or their ability to be emotionally present and supportive.

To build emotional attraction in a relationship, we need to feel safe enough to open up and share our innermost thoughts and feelings. This can be a challenge if we have experienced past hurt or trauma. If we can learn to trust again and feel safe in the relationship, we will be more likely to open up and feel emotionally attached.

Building emotional attraction also requires both parties to be vulnerable and authentic with each other. We need to feel comfortable sharing our deepest desires, fears, and dreams. When we can be our true selves with someone, they will become a special person in our lives.

The most important ingredient in building emotional attraction is love. When we love someone, we are willing to do anything for them. We are patient with them, even when they make mistakes. We forgive them easily and give them the benefit of the doubt. Love creates a strong bond that can weather any storm.

The benefits of emotional attraction in a relationship

When we feel emotionally attracted to someone, we are drawn to their qualities that we find appealing. This can be anything from their sense of humor to their intelligence to their compassionate nature.

Emotional attraction is important in a relationship because it is what helps us connect with our partner on a deeper level. It is the emotional connection that keeps us invested in the relationship and motivated to work through any challenges that come up.

Some of the benefits of emotional attraction in a relationship include:

1. A deeper connection: When we feel emotionally attracted to our partner, we are more likely to open up to them and share our innermost thoughts and feelings. This leads to a deeper level of intimacy and understanding between the two of you.

2. A stronger bond: The emotional connection that you share with your partner will help to strengthen the bond between you. This can make it easier to weather any storms that come up in your relationship and emerge even stronger than before.

3. Greater satisfaction: Emotionally-connected relationships tend to be more satisfying overall. This is because we feel closer to our partner and more fulfilled by the depth of our connection with them.

The risks of emotional attraction in a relationship

There are several risks associated with becoming emotionally attracted to someone in a relationship. The first is that you may become too dependent on the other person for emotional support. This can lead to codependency and a lack of independence, which can be unhealthy for both parties involved.

Another risk is that you may begin to put the needs of the other person above your own. This can lead to resentment and conflict if not managed properly. It’s important to maintain healthy boundaries in a relationship and make sure that you’re taking care of yourself emotionally as well as physically.

Lastly, getting too caught up in the emotions of a relationship can blind you to potential red flags or warning signs that something isn’t right. If you’re not paying attention, you may miss important clues that could save you from heartache down the road.

So while emotional attraction can be a beautiful thing, it’s important to be aware of the risks involved and take steps to protect yourself accordingly.

emotional attraction

How to know if you’re emotionally attracted to someone

If you find yourself constantly thinking about the person, even when they’re not around, it’s a good sign that you’re emotionally attracted to them. When you can’t get them out of your head, it means that your brain is preoccupied with thoughts of them because it recognizes that they make you happy.

Another way to tell if you’re emotionally attracted to someone is if you enjoy spending time with them more than anyone else. If they make you feel good in their presence and you find yourself wanting to be around them as much as possible, then it’s a pretty clear indication that there’s an emotional connection there.

Ultimately, if you feel like your relationship with the person goes beyond just physical attraction, then it’s likely that you’re emotionally attracted to them as well. This is when you start to care about their well-being and happiness just as much as your own. When you want nothing more than for them to be happy and safe, that’s a sign of a deep emotional connection.


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Emotional attraction is the glue that keeps couples together through good times and bad. It’s what makes a relationship more than just a physical connection. If you want to build emotional attraction in your relationship, start by being supportive, loving, and understanding. Be there for your partner when they need you and show them that you care about their wellbeing. With time and effort, you can build an emotionally strong bond that will keep your relationship happy and healthy for years to come.


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